Colors in image

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Rees B

Rees B

28/10/2007 19:00:00
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I have a image (png), which i load with "imagecreatefrompng". When I'm writing to the image with "imagestring" using red and white color I get different color results. Can someone explain that to me?

see example hear :

If you do refresh a few times it will cycle thru 4 different images. I will then show what I mean.

Cheers Rees
PHP hulp

PHP hulp

22/12/2024 11:29:00
GaMer B

GaMer B

28/10/2007 19:03:00
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Maybe you could show us some PHP code some useful PHP code which can (hopefully) solve your problem.
Gewijzigd op 01/01/1970 01:00:00 door GaMer B
Jan Koehoorn

Jan Koehoorn

28/10/2007 19:08:00
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R schreef op 28.10.2007 19:00:
When I'm writing to the image with "imagestring" using red and white color I get different color results. Can someone explain that to me?

I thought that was the general idea when you are using red and white?
Please amplify ;-)
PHP erik

PHP erik

28/10/2007 19:09:00
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Dear R,

This is a dutch forum. Therefore I have to close this topic. Not all visitors are able to understand English. Please go to or another English website. Or in this case, just to stay friendly, you could PM me with some relevant information and code.



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