Error in Chatting System

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Krish kar

Krish kar

28/10/2010 15:26:32
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i am trying to use a chatting system[jquery based].It is working fine from my end.But not from client's end.Just can not understand how it is working on my end [In India]but not in client's end[In Hongkong China]though we both seeing the site from same server.Please help me out.
PHP hulp

PHP hulp

17/02/2025 09:01:58
TJVB tvb

TJVB tvb

28/10/2010 15:33:24
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Maybe you need to search a English website or hire someone who can help you.
Else you need to write in Dutch and give more information about the problem.
Teun Hesseling

Teun Hesseling

28/10/2010 15:34:59
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maybe they blocked it? same as they did with facebook
Mark L

Mark L

28/10/2010 15:57:54
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What browser is your client using? Is Javascript turned on?
Pim -

Pim -

28/10/2010 16:11:31
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You really didn't notice all of the dutch words this site contains?
And how did you pass the dutch registration form?
Wouter J

Wouter J

28/10/2010 16:37:59
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I think that your profile is not good:
Provincie : Zuid-holland
Milo S

Milo S

28/10/2010 17:50:24
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Een bot i guess? haha
Pim -

Pim -

28/10/2010 17:50:56
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Ja misschien wel. Rare bot hoor ;)
- Raoul -

- Raoul -

28/10/2010 17:52:42
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Omg, misschien stond zijn provincie niet in het lijstje en koos hij dan maar Zuid-Holland??

Omg, maybe was his provincion not in the list en then he just chose Zuid-Holland?

Ja mijn Engels is niet echt optimaal.
Gewijzigd op 28/10/2010 17:53:41 door - Raoul -
Jasper DS

Jasper DS

28/10/2010 17:55:58
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28/10/2010 20:49:30
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Internet Verslaafde op 28/10/2010 17:52:42:
Omg, misschien stond zijn provincie niet in het lijstje en koos hij dan maar Zuid-Holland??

Omg, maybe was his provincion not in the list en then he just chose Zuid-Holland?

Ja mijn Engels is niet echt optimaal.

Jij hebt nog niet de les geleerd dat als je iets niet kan, maar ook gewoon niet moet doen?
- -

- -

28/10/2010 21:19:50
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Heerlijk niveau weer :-)

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