How can I solve a connection pool problem between ASP.NET and SQL Server?


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Yukito fuzikawa

yukito fuzikawa

08/06/2016 08:31:18
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First I'm sorry If I speak in english language. Because I really need help.
I've ASP.NET hosted on ASPHostPortal. The last few days I see this error message in my website too much:

"Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached."

I have not changed anything in my code in a while. I revised the code to check open connections which didn't close, but found everything to be fine.

1. How can I solve this?
2. Do I need to edit this pool?
3. How can I edit this pool's max number of connections?
4. What is the recommended value for a high traffic website?

Do I need to edit something in IIS?

I found that the number of active connections are anywhere from 15 to 31, and I found that the max allowed number of connections configured in SQL server is more than 3200 connections, is 31 too many or should I edit something in the ASP.NET configration?
PHP hulp

PHP hulp

16/11/2024 03:38:41
Ward van der Put

Ward van der Put

08/06/2016 09:36:43
Anchor link
This question is virtually identical to a question in the .NET section on Stack Overflow, which has several good answers:

Therefore this topic is closed.

Dit topic is gesloten.



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