how to create a basic website design template using php css and xhtml?


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Richard Walter

Richard Walter

21/01/2017 09:27:02
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I can figure out some things here and there in CSS and PHP, but I don't know enough to develop and design an entire website.

I just don't know where to start.. I am totally confused and annoyed about this. Once in a while, I do some sites for non profit organizations, but it is never fully designed by me.
I would love to design and develop beautiful and functional web sites using HTML, CSS, XHTML, Photoshop and all those good stuff! Even though I do not plan to make it my profession, I'd like to know this stuff so I can courageously say YES to a client.
My friends and family sometimes asks me to do websites for big organizations or business..and I am scared to say YES because of the lack of knowledge..Where do I start/where do I pickup/what is the best thing for me to do? I'm really exited to learn XHTML and CSS,
so please give me a better advise to create website.

About Me:
I'm new in this forum, I am a consultant and have worked with multiple firms
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Gewijzigd op 21/01/2017 11:33:17 door - Ariën -
PHP hulp

PHP hulp

11/03/2025 21:17:55
- Rob -

- Rob -

21/01/2017 09:43:21
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Just begin by the start, with HTML. HTML is easy to learn and it's fun to! But don't start with PHP, PHP have many functions. I think that you have to start with learning HTML, than CSS, than JavaScript and at the end PHP.

Don't make websites for big organizations or business yet. For example: You make a login script with PHP for a big organizations with sensetive information like adres, IP, phone number and sombody steal that information with a SQL-Injections. If the SQL-Injection is succesful and he stole the information about that person you get the blame..

Toevoeging op 21/01/2017 09:44:04:

Sorry for my bad English ;-( I'm not so good in English.
- Ariën  -

- Ariën -

21/01/2017 11:32:40
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