Searching senior (PHP) web developer for partnership (offshore)

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Joris Hage

Joris Hage

09/08/2014 19:22:57
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For a startup that aims to dominate part of the online business market, I am currenctly looking for a Dutch senior web developer business partner with the following expertise:

• Knowledge of Perl or PHP or Python
• Knowledge of relational databases and SQL, preferably MySQL
• Knowledge of web technologies: XHTML, JavaScript Experience with C, C++ a plus

The project is in a late stage of design development and a detailed business plan has been written. The next step is to seek venture capital to finance the project, which is what I will take care of.

The headquarters is going to be established in Geneva and the operating affiliate (where we will build the site) will be located in Casablanca to benefit from offshore advantages.

The website is designed in such a way that it can easily be navigated and understood by everyone. Yet to build it will be a great challenge since the site will be all interactive and complex in its functionalities and it will have many search engines with different algorithms and with large databases.
Therefor I am seeking for a highly talented and experienced web developer with management skills to structure the architecture of the site and assist me in gathering and manage an adequate web development team.

The proposal is a partnerschip whereby partial salary and parts in the venture are proposed. Any agreements can be made official after green light from investors. This can take up to a few months, the actual web development activities can then be started.

For further information or contact please send me a linkedin request to get in contact.

Thank you for your interest so far,

Joris Hage
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