Autoreply met html?
Ik heb een php form en een autoreply die alleen in plain text bij de persoon terecht komt. Hoe kan ik hier html aan toevoegen? Ik wil een logo en wat tekst toevoegen. Hoe en waar?
Wie kan me helpen?
Hieronder de code:
// Makes sure that the user is using the required version
// of PHP as specified by {@link CC_FB_PHP_VERSION}.
if(!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, CC_FB_PHP_VERSION, '>='))
printMessage('Invalid PHP Version',
"We're sorry but CoffeeCup Form Builder requires PHP version " .
CC_FB_PHP_VERSION . ' or greater. Please contact your server ' .
// Strip slashes if the server has magic quotes enabled.
$_POST = array_map("stripslashes", $_POST);
// John will need to fix this in the swf file.
foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
$_POST[str_replace('_', ' ', $key)] = $value;
// Let's sanitize the to field before it gets us in any trouble.
$_POST['eM'] = preg_replace("/(\n|\r|%0A|%0D)/i", '', $_POST['eM']);
// If the '$_FILES['Filedata']' is populated, process the
// file upload.
// If the '$_POST' superglobal array is populated,
// process the form results.
elseif(is_array($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0)
// If all else fails, print out a blank page with version
// numbers and release dates.
* Process the mail form results.
* This method is in charge of processing the mail form which
* is posted from the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder SWF. This
* process includes:
* - Retrieving the preferences from the included CoffeeCup Flash
* Form Builder XML preferences file.
* - Formats output for file output as well as for an email to
* the form user and the form owner as necesarry.
* - Writes output to a file and sends it to the form user and
* the form owner as necessary.
* - Writes form results to a database if necesarry.
function processMailForm()
$preferences = getPreferences();
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $key => $value)
if(trim($_POST[$key]) != '')
$owner_email_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}\n\n";
$txt_file .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}|";
// Make sure we aren't displaying hidden fields
// to end-users
if($value['type'] != 'hiddenfield')
$user_email_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}\n\n";
$form_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}<br/>\n";
// If a file was uploaded, add the appropriate data to the response
// fields
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != "")
$owner_email_response .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}";
$user_email_response .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}";
$form_response .= " Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}" .
$txt_file .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}|";
sendResponseEmails($owner_email_response, $user_email_response,
// Make sure we delete the file from the server if the user doesn't
// want it
if(!CC_FB_ATTACHMENT_SAVETOSERVER && $_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
@unlink(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}");
printResponsePage($form_response, $preferences);
* Send response emails to the appropriate recipients.
* Sends an email to the scripts owner as well as the end-user
* if appropriate. If the sending of mail fails, an error
* message will be printed out to the screen.
* @param string $owner_email_response the message to mail to the owner.
* @param string $user_email_response the message to mail to the user.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function sendResponseEmails($owner_email_response, $user_email_response,
// If the program is unregistered, add the unregistered message.
$unreg = "------------------------\n" .
"This Form was sent to you using CoffeeCup Form Builder." .
"\nPlease tell a friend about us: " .
// Set up the CC field if necessary
if(CC_FB_CC_EMAIL != '')
// Set up the BCC field if necessary
if(CC_FB_BCC_EMAIL != '')
// Use the alternative email if one is provided
$mail_to = ($_POST['_ALT_EMAIL'] != '' ? $_POST['_ALT_EMAIL'] :
// Set a default subject if one is not provided
$subject = ($_POST['subject'] != '' ? parseMessage($_POST['subject'], $preferences) :
'Form Submission');
// Set up the default mail headers
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL;
// Set up the default owner message if on is not provided
$form_owner_msg =
'Here is the information submitted to ' .
"{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} on " . date("l, F dS, Y \a\\t g:i a") .
$form_owner_msg = parseMessage(CC_FB_OWNER_MESSAGE, $preferences);
// Add the uploaded file as an attachment if the user has
// request we do so
if(CC_FB_ATTACHMENT_ADDTOEMAIL && $_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
if(!($contents =
file_get_contents(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY .
printMessage('Unable To Open Attachment File',"We're sorry but " .
'we were unable to open your uploaded file to attatch it for ' .
'email. Please be sure that you have the proper permissions.');
$attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
// Setup the unique mime boundary
$mime_boundary = md5(time());
// Set up the form owner mail headers
$form_owner_headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; ' .
"boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"" .
// Set up the new form owner message
$form_owner_msg =
"--$mime_boundary" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' .
$form_owner_msg .
"--$mime_boundary" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream ' .
"name=\"{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}\"" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Content-Description: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment; " .
"filename=\"{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}\"" .
"--$mime_boundary--" .
$form_owner_headers = $headers;
// If we collected the end-user's email
// Get all the headers without the From: portion
// so that we can do something fancy if the first
// attempt to send the message fails
$headers_without_from =
"Reply-To: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Return-Path: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"$cc$bcc" .
'Message-ID: <' . time() . "-{$_POST['eM']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
// Send a message to the form's owner with the end-user's email
// as the reply-to address.
!(mail($mail_to,$subject, $form_owner_msg,
"From: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
$headers_without_from)) &&
!(mail($mail_to,$subject, $form_owner_msg,
'From: CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder ' .
"<formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
printMessage('Unable To Send E-Mail',
"We're sorry but we were unable to send your e-mail. " .
'If you are sure that you entered all your email ' .
'addresses properly, you should contact your server ' .
// If necesarry, send a message to the end-user as well.
$form_user_msg = parseMessage('[Name]様,
Connect Japan社
', $preferences);
$form_user_subject = parseMessage(CC_FB_AUTO_REPLY_SUBJECT, $preferences);
$form_user_msg = CC_FB_AUTO_REPLY_POSITION == 'top' ?
"$form_user_msg\n\n$user_email_response" :
// Get all the headers without the From: portion
// so that we can do something fancy if the first
// attempt to send the message fails
$headers_without_from =
"Reply-To: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Return-Path: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Message-ID: <' . time() . "-$mail_to>" .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"From: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
$headers_without_from) ||
"From: {$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']} Form " .
// Send a message to the form's owner.
elseif(CC_FB_DO_EMAIL && !(mail($mail_to,$subject,
'From: CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder ' .
"<formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"$cc$bcc" .
'Message-ID: <' . time() .
"-formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
printMessage('Unable To Send E-Mail',
"We're sorry but we were unable to send your e-mail. " .
'If you are sure that you entered all your email ' .
'addresses properly, you should contact your server ' .
* Parses owner-defined email message
* Loops through posted form values and replaces all form
* elements in the $message with their corresponding values.
* @param string $message an owner-defined email message
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function parseMessage($message, $preferences)
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $key => $value)
$message = str_replace('[' . $key . ']', $_POST[$key], $message);
return $message;
* Gets the real name of the file that was uploaded.
* Since the file upload occurs in a different request,
* this method helps us resolve what the name of the
* uploaded file was in case it was renamed.
function fixUploadedFileName()
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
$extension = substr($_POST['Uploaded_File'],
strrpos($_POST['Uploaded_File'], '.'));
$basename = basename($_POST['Uploaded_File'], $extension);
while(file_exists(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename".
CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION . "$i$extension"))
$new_upload_name = "$basename". CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION .
$_POST['Uploaded_File'] = $new_upload_name;
* Write form response to a database.
* Writes the form response to the database specified at 'CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS'
* if appropriate. If the database doesn't it exist, the CC_FB_DB_TABLE
* table doesn't exist or if the CC_FB_DB_TABLE table doesn't comply with
* the structure of the current form then the database will be restructured
* accordingly.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function writeResponseToDatabase($preferences)
// If the CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS constant has been populated, then
// the user wants to write their data to a database.
// First and foremost, lets make sure they have the mysql extension
// loaded.
printMessage('Unable to use MySQL',
"We're sorry but you must have the MySQL extensions loaded " .
'in your PHP configuration in order to save your form '.
'results to a MySQL database. Please contact your ' .
'server administrator.');
// Secondly, lets make sure we can connect to their database.
elseif(!($link =
mysql_connect(CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS . ':' . CC_FB_DB_PORT,
printMessage('Unable to Connect to Database Server.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to connect to your database " .
'server. Please be sure you have entered your database ' .
'settings correctly.');
// If we can't select their DB, lets try to create our own.
elseif(!mysql_select_db(CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
if(!mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE ' . CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
printMessage('Unable to Create Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to create your database. " .
'If you believe the database already exists, please ' .
'be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'select it. Otherwise, please be sure that you ' .
'have permissions to create databases. If you ' .
'are still experiencing troubles, please contact ' .
'your server administrator.');
elseif(!mysql_select_db(CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
printMessage('Unable to select Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to select your database. " .
'Please be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'select it. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
// If a form_results table exists, make sure it is in the
// proper format.
if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
"'", $link)) != 0)
if(!($results = mysql_query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
'`', $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Query Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to query your database " .
'table. Please be sure that you have the proper ' .
'permissions to select from the ' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
' table. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results))
if($row['Field'] != 'id' && $row['Field'] != 'created_at')
$columns[$row['Field']] = $row;
createTableFromFormFields($preferences['form_fields'], $link);
// Otherwise create the CC_FB_DB_TABLE table in the proper format.
createTableFromFormFields($preferences['form_fields'], $link);
// If all went well, lets attempt to write the form results to
// the database.
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $field_name => $field)
$query .= "`$field_name` = " .
mysqlEscape($_POST[$field_name], $link) . ',';
// Add the uploaded file to the query if necessary
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
if(!($contents =
file_get_contents(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY .
printMessage('Unable To Open Attachment File',"We're sorry " .
'but we were unable to open your uploaded file to ' .
'attach it for email. Please be sure that you have the ' .
'proper permissions.');
$query .= '`uploaded_file_name` = ' .
mysqlEscape($_POST['Uploaded_File'], $link) . ',' .
'`uploaded_file` = ' . mysqlEscape($contents, $link) .
$query .= "`uploaded_file_name` = '',`uploaded_file` = '',";
if(!mysql_query('INSERT INTO `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . '` SET ' .
$query . "`created_at` = NOW()", $link))
printMessage('Unable to Insert Into Database Table.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to insert the form results " .
'into your database table. Please be sure that you have ' .
'the proper permissions to insert data into the ' .
CC_FB_DB_TABLE . ' table. If you are still experiencing ' .
'trouble, please contact your server administrator.');
* Archives an old `CC_FB_DB_TABLE` table.
* Renames a form results table to CC_FB_DB_TABLE_old or
* CC_FB_DB_TABLE_old with a numerical value on the end of it
* if appropriate.
* @param resource $link a database resource
function archiveOldTable($link)
while(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
"_old$i'", $link)) != 0)
if(!(mysql_query("RENAME TABLE `" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "` TO `" .
CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "_old$i`", $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Rename Database Table.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to rename your database " .
'table. Please be sure that you have the proper ' .
'permissions to rename the ' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . ' table' .
'. If you are still experiencing trouble, please contact your ' .
'server administrator.');
* Escapes a value for MySQL.
* Prepares a value to be used safely in a MySQL query. If the value is
* numeric, it is returned. If the value is a string, it is quoted and
* escaped using the mysql_real_escape_string function.
* @param mixed $value the value to be escaped
* @param resource $link a database resource
* @return mixed $value the escaped value
function mysqlEscape($value, $link)
return ("'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value, $link) . "'");
* Checks if the columns from a table match the the structure
* of the fields from a form.
* @param array $form_fields the structure from the form
* @param array $table_fields the structure from the table
* @return boolean $value, true if the structures are the same,
* false if the structures are not.
function formFieldsEqualsTableFields($form_fields, $table_fields)
// Make sure we have the proper fields for saving uploaded
// files to the database if the user has requested we do so
if(array_key_exists('uploaded_file', $table_fields) &&
array_key_exists('uploaded_file_name', $table_fields))
return false;
if(count($form_fields) != count($table_fields))
return false;
foreach($form_fields as $field_name => $field)
if(!is_array($table_fields[$field_name]) ||
!(($field['type'] == 'textarea' &&
$table_fields[$field_name]['Type'] == 'text') ||
$table_fields[$field_name]['Type'] == 'varchar(255)'))
return false;
return true;
* Create a MySQL table from the form structure.
* Uses the structure of the form, pulled from the XML preferences
* file to create a database table to store the form results.
* @param resource $form_fields the structure of the form
* @param resource $link a database resource
function createTableFromFormFields($form_fields, $link)
mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "`", $link);
$query = 'CREATE TABLE `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . '` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`created_at` DATETIME NOT NULL';
$query .= ",`uploaded_file_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
,`uploaded_file` MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL";
foreach($form_fields as $field_name => $field)
$query .= ",\n `$field_name` " .
($field['type'] == 'textarea' ? 'text' : 'varchar(255)') .
if(!(mysql_query("$query, PRIMARY KEY(`id`))", $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Create Table.', "We're sorry but we were " .
'unable to create a database table for your form results. ' .
'Please be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'create tables. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
* Write form response to a log file.
* Writes the form response to the log file specified at 'CC_FB_SAVE_FILE'
* if appropriate. If the file writing fails, an error message will be
* printed out to the screen.
* @param string $txt_file the response to write to the log file.
function writeResponseToFile($txt_file)
$txt_file = "{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}|" .
date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "|{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}|$txt_file\n";
// If a log file location has been set
if($handle = fopen(CC_FB_SAVE_FILE, 'a'))
if(fwrite($handle, $txt_file) === false)
printMessage('Unable To Write To File',
"We're sorry but we were unable to write to ".CC_FB_SAVE_FILE.
'. Please contact your server administrator to be sure ' .
'that you have the proper permissions.');
printMessage('Unable To Open File',
"We're sorry but we were unable to open " . CC_FB_SAVE_FILE .
'. Please contact your server administrator to be sure ' .
'that you have the proper permissions.');
* Prints the HTML-formatted, form response page for the end-user.
* Writes the form response to an HTML-formatted page for the end-user
* or redirects the user to a thank you page if specified.
* @param string $form_response the response to write to the page.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function printResponsePage($form_response, $preferences)
// Redirect to a thank you page if the user has created one.
die(header('Location: ' . CC_FB_RESULTS_REDIRECT));
// Otherwise create a thank you page.
$results_msg = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Your Page Title</title>
<style type="text/css" media="screen, print, projection">
#thankyouforyourformsubmis {
background: url(redirectmedia/thankyouforyourformsubmis.gif) no-repeat;
visibility: visible;
position: absolute;
left: 139px;
top: 237px;
z-index: 1;
width: 591px;
height: 61px;
#logobutton a:hover {
background-position: -371px 0%;
#logobutton a {
background: url(redirectmedia/logobutton.gif) no-repeat 0% 0px;
display: block;
height: 117px;
width: 371px;
font-size: 117px;
line-height: 117px;
#logobutton {
visibility: visible;
position: absolute;
left: 14px;
top: 99px;
z-index: 1;
width: 371px;
height: 117px;
#redirect {
margin: 0px auto 0px auto;
background: url(redirectmedia/interiortile.gif) repeat center top;
height: 298px;
width: 730px;
position: relative;
html, body {
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="3;url=">
<div id="redirect">
<div id="logobutton"><a href="logo.html" title="logo"></a></div>
<div id="thankyouforyourformsubmis"></div>
die(str_replace('$form_results', $form_response,
* Returns the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
* Opens the CoffeeeCup Flash Form Builder XML preferences file
* and retrieves the preferences and form fields from it. If
* the preferences file is not found or can not be opened, an
* error message is printed to the screen.
* @return array $preferences an array of preferences specified
* in the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder XML preferences file.
function getPreferences()
if(!($contents = file_get_contents($_POST['xmlfile'])))
printMessage('Unable To Open XML File',"We're sorry but we were " .
'unable to locate your XML file. Please be sure that the \'' .
"{$_POST['xmlfile']}' is on your server in the same directory " .
'as your other form builder files.');
// Strips out all the XML nodes from the preferences file.
preg_match_all('/<([a-z]+?)\s+(.*?)>/is', $contents, $nodes);
foreach($nodes[1] as $node_key => $node_value)
// Skip over item, hidden, button and label nodes, as we're not
// interested in them.
if($node_value != 'item' && $node_value != 'hidden' &&
$node_value != 'submitbutton' && $node_value != 'browsebutton' &&
$node_value != 'label' && $node_value != 'resetbutton')
$node_array = array();
// For each node, we will strip out all of the attributes
$nodes[2][$node_key], $attributes);
foreach($attributes[2] as $attribute_key => $attribute_value)
$node_array[$attributes[1][$attribute_key]] =
// If the node has an attribute called 'name', it is a form field.
$name = $node_array['name'] . ($node_array['label'] != '' ?
" - {$node_array['label']}" : '');
$preferences['form_fields'][$name] = $node_array;
$preferences['form_fields'][$name]['type'] = $node_value;
// If the node type is 'form', it is the form preferences
elseif($node_value == 'form')
$preferences['form_preferences'] = $node_array;
// otherwise just dump everything into a general array depending
// on its node type.
$preferences[$node_value][] = $node_array;
return $preferences;
* Uploads a user-submitted file.
* Attempts to upload a user-submitted file specified in
* '$_FILES['Filedata']' to the 'CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY' directory. If the
* file already exists, append a numeric value to the end of
* the file name.
function processFileUpload()
printMessage('File Uploads Disabled',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file because " .
'your do not have file uploads enabled. Please contact' .
'your server administrator.');
// Make sure we have a directory to store the file uploads
printMessage('Directory Creation Failed',
"We're sorry but we were unable to create a directory for " .
'your file uploads. Please contact your server administrator.');
// Make sure the file upload is of an acceptable file type
printMessage('Invalid File Type',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file because " .
'the file type is not acceptable.');
// Seperate the file's basename and extension so that
// we can append numeric values on the end of the basename
// if the file already exists.
$extension = substr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'],
strrpos($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], '.'));
$basename = basename($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], $extension);
// Append number values on the end of the file name
// if the file already exists
while(file_exists(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename" .
CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION . "$i$extension"))
printMessage('File Upload Failed',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file. Please " .
'contact your server administrator.');
chmod(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename$i$extension", 0777);
* Prints a message to the screen.
* Prints an HTML-formatted message to the screen that also contains
* the current PHP version number the server is running, the current
* version number and release date of this script as well as the
* current version number and release date of the version of CoffeeCup
* Flash Form Builder that generated this script.
* NOTE: This function stops execution of the script.
* @param string $title the title of the page
* @param string $message the message to print to the screen
function printMessage($title = null, $message = null)
// If the user has provided a title, format it for HTML
if($title !== null)
$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES);
$page_title = "$title - ";
$title = "<h1>$title</h1>";
// If the user has provided a message, formit it for HTML
if($message !== null)
$message = '<p>' . htmlentities($message, ENT_QUOTES) . '</p>';
die( <<<EOHTML
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>{$page_title}CoffeeCup Form Builder</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
<style type="text/css">
border-top: 1px solid #666;
font-size: .85em;
<div id="script_info">
PHP Version:
Sendmail Path: ' . ini_get('sendmail_path') . '<br />
Sendmail From: ' . ini_get('sendmail_from') . '<br />
SMTP: ' . ini_get('SMTP') . '<br />
SMTP Port: ' . ini_get('smtp_port') . '
MySQL: ' . (extension_loaded('mysql') ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed') . '
File Uploads: ' . (ini_get('file_uploads') ? 'On' : 'Off') . '<br />
File Uploads Max Size: ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '<br />
Post Max Size: ' . ini_get('post_max_size') . '</p>
Software Version: ' . CC_FB_VERSION . '<br />
Software Last Updated: ' . CC_FB_LAST_UPDATED . '
Script Version: ' . CC_FB_SCRIPT_VERSION . '<br />
Script Last Updated: ' . CC_FB_SCRIPT_LAST_UPDATED . '
</p>' .
// of PHP as specified by {@link CC_FB_PHP_VERSION}.
if(!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, CC_FB_PHP_VERSION, '>='))
printMessage('Invalid PHP Version',
"We're sorry but CoffeeCup Form Builder requires PHP version " .
CC_FB_PHP_VERSION . ' or greater. Please contact your server ' .
// Strip slashes if the server has magic quotes enabled.
$_POST = array_map("stripslashes", $_POST);
// John will need to fix this in the swf file.
foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
$_POST[str_replace('_', ' ', $key)] = $value;
// Let's sanitize the to field before it gets us in any trouble.
$_POST['eM'] = preg_replace("/(\n|\r|%0A|%0D)/i", '', $_POST['eM']);
// If the '$_FILES['Filedata']' is populated, process the
// file upload.
// If the '$_POST' superglobal array is populated,
// process the form results.
elseif(is_array($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0)
// If all else fails, print out a blank page with version
// numbers and release dates.
* Process the mail form results.
* This method is in charge of processing the mail form which
* is posted from the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder SWF. This
* process includes:
* - Retrieving the preferences from the included CoffeeCup Flash
* Form Builder XML preferences file.
* - Formats output for file output as well as for an email to
* the form user and the form owner as necesarry.
* - Writes output to a file and sends it to the form user and
* the form owner as necessary.
* - Writes form results to a database if necesarry.
function processMailForm()
$preferences = getPreferences();
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $key => $value)
if(trim($_POST[$key]) != '')
$owner_email_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}\n\n";
$txt_file .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}|";
// Make sure we aren't displaying hidden fields
// to end-users
if($value['type'] != 'hiddenfield')
$user_email_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}\n\n";
$form_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}<br/>\n";
// If a file was uploaded, add the appropriate data to the response
// fields
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != "")
$owner_email_response .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}";
$user_email_response .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}";
$form_response .= " Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}" .
$txt_file .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}|";
sendResponseEmails($owner_email_response, $user_email_response,
// Make sure we delete the file from the server if the user doesn't
// want it
if(!CC_FB_ATTACHMENT_SAVETOSERVER && $_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
@unlink(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}");
printResponsePage($form_response, $preferences);
* Send response emails to the appropriate recipients.
* Sends an email to the scripts owner as well as the end-user
* if appropriate. If the sending of mail fails, an error
* message will be printed out to the screen.
* @param string $owner_email_response the message to mail to the owner.
* @param string $user_email_response the message to mail to the user.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function sendResponseEmails($owner_email_response, $user_email_response,
// If the program is unregistered, add the unregistered message.
$unreg = "------------------------\n" .
"This Form was sent to you using CoffeeCup Form Builder." .
"\nPlease tell a friend about us: " .
// Set up the CC field if necessary
if(CC_FB_CC_EMAIL != '')
// Set up the BCC field if necessary
if(CC_FB_BCC_EMAIL != '')
// Use the alternative email if one is provided
$mail_to = ($_POST['_ALT_EMAIL'] != '' ? $_POST['_ALT_EMAIL'] :
// Set a default subject if one is not provided
$subject = ($_POST['subject'] != '' ? parseMessage($_POST['subject'], $preferences) :
'Form Submission');
// Set up the default mail headers
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL;
// Set up the default owner message if on is not provided
$form_owner_msg =
'Here is the information submitted to ' .
"{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} on " . date("l, F dS, Y \a\\t g:i a") .
$form_owner_msg = parseMessage(CC_FB_OWNER_MESSAGE, $preferences);
// Add the uploaded file as an attachment if the user has
// request we do so
if(CC_FB_ATTACHMENT_ADDTOEMAIL && $_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
if(!($contents =
file_get_contents(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY .
printMessage('Unable To Open Attachment File',"We're sorry but " .
'we were unable to open your uploaded file to attatch it for ' .
'email. Please be sure that you have the proper permissions.');
$attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
// Setup the unique mime boundary
$mime_boundary = md5(time());
// Set up the form owner mail headers
$form_owner_headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; ' .
"boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"" .
// Set up the new form owner message
$form_owner_msg =
"--$mime_boundary" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' .
$form_owner_msg .
"--$mime_boundary" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream ' .
"name=\"{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}\"" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Content-Description: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment; " .
"filename=\"{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}\"" .
"--$mime_boundary--" .
$form_owner_headers = $headers;
// If we collected the end-user's email
// Get all the headers without the From: portion
// so that we can do something fancy if the first
// attempt to send the message fails
$headers_without_from =
"Reply-To: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Return-Path: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"$cc$bcc" .
'Message-ID: <' . time() . "-{$_POST['eM']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
// Send a message to the form's owner with the end-user's email
// as the reply-to address.
!(mail($mail_to,$subject, $form_owner_msg,
"From: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
$headers_without_from)) &&
!(mail($mail_to,$subject, $form_owner_msg,
'From: CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder ' .
"<formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
printMessage('Unable To Send E-Mail',
"We're sorry but we were unable to send your e-mail. " .
'If you are sure that you entered all your email ' .
'addresses properly, you should contact your server ' .
// If necesarry, send a message to the end-user as well.
$form_user_msg = parseMessage('[Name]様,
Connect Japan社
', $preferences);
$form_user_subject = parseMessage(CC_FB_AUTO_REPLY_SUBJECT, $preferences);
$form_user_msg = CC_FB_AUTO_REPLY_POSITION == 'top' ?
"$form_user_msg\n\n$user_email_response" :
// Get all the headers without the From: portion
// so that we can do something fancy if the first
// attempt to send the message fails
$headers_without_from =
"Reply-To: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Return-Path: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Message-ID: <' . time() . "-$mail_to>" .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"From: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
$headers_without_from) ||
"From: {$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']} Form " .
// Send a message to the form's owner.
elseif(CC_FB_DO_EMAIL && !(mail($mail_to,$subject,
'From: CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder ' .
"<formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"$cc$bcc" .
'Message-ID: <' . time() .
"-formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
printMessage('Unable To Send E-Mail',
"We're sorry but we were unable to send your e-mail. " .
'If you are sure that you entered all your email ' .
'addresses properly, you should contact your server ' .
* Parses owner-defined email message
* Loops through posted form values and replaces all form
* elements in the $message with their corresponding values.
* @param string $message an owner-defined email message
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function parseMessage($message, $preferences)
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $key => $value)
$message = str_replace('[' . $key . ']', $_POST[$key], $message);
return $message;
* Gets the real name of the file that was uploaded.
* Since the file upload occurs in a different request,
* this method helps us resolve what the name of the
* uploaded file was in case it was renamed.
function fixUploadedFileName()
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
$extension = substr($_POST['Uploaded_File'],
strrpos($_POST['Uploaded_File'], '.'));
$basename = basename($_POST['Uploaded_File'], $extension);
while(file_exists(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename".
CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION . "$i$extension"))
$new_upload_name = "$basename". CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION .
$_POST['Uploaded_File'] = $new_upload_name;
* Write form response to a database.
* Writes the form response to the database specified at 'CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS'
* if appropriate. If the database doesn't it exist, the CC_FB_DB_TABLE
* table doesn't exist or if the CC_FB_DB_TABLE table doesn't comply with
* the structure of the current form then the database will be restructured
* accordingly.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function writeResponseToDatabase($preferences)
// If the CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS constant has been populated, then
// the user wants to write their data to a database.
// First and foremost, lets make sure they have the mysql extension
// loaded.
printMessage('Unable to use MySQL',
"We're sorry but you must have the MySQL extensions loaded " .
'in your PHP configuration in order to save your form '.
'results to a MySQL database. Please contact your ' .
'server administrator.');
// Secondly, lets make sure we can connect to their database.
elseif(!($link =
mysql_connect(CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS . ':' . CC_FB_DB_PORT,
printMessage('Unable to Connect to Database Server.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to connect to your database " .
'server. Please be sure you have entered your database ' .
'settings correctly.');
// If we can't select their DB, lets try to create our own.
elseif(!mysql_select_db(CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
if(!mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE ' . CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
printMessage('Unable to Create Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to create your database. " .
'If you believe the database already exists, please ' .
'be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'select it. Otherwise, please be sure that you ' .
'have permissions to create databases. If you ' .
'are still experiencing troubles, please contact ' .
'your server administrator.');
elseif(!mysql_select_db(CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
printMessage('Unable to select Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to select your database. " .
'Please be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'select it. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
// If a form_results table exists, make sure it is in the
// proper format.
if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
"'", $link)) != 0)
if(!($results = mysql_query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
'`', $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Query Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to query your database " .
'table. Please be sure that you have the proper ' .
'permissions to select from the ' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
' table. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results))
if($row['Field'] != 'id' && $row['Field'] != 'created_at')
$columns[$row['Field']] = $row;
createTableFromFormFields($preferences['form_fields'], $link);
// Otherwise create the CC_FB_DB_TABLE table in the proper format.
createTableFromFormFields($preferences['form_fields'], $link);
// If all went well, lets attempt to write the form results to
// the database.
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $field_name => $field)
$query .= "`$field_name` = " .
mysqlEscape($_POST[$field_name], $link) . ',';
// Add the uploaded file to the query if necessary
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
if(!($contents =
file_get_contents(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY .
printMessage('Unable To Open Attachment File',"We're sorry " .
'but we were unable to open your uploaded file to ' .
'attach it for email. Please be sure that you have the ' .
'proper permissions.');
$query .= '`uploaded_file_name` = ' .
mysqlEscape($_POST['Uploaded_File'], $link) . ',' .
'`uploaded_file` = ' . mysqlEscape($contents, $link) .
$query .= "`uploaded_file_name` = '',`uploaded_file` = '',";
if(!mysql_query('INSERT INTO `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . '` SET ' .
$query . "`created_at` = NOW()", $link))
printMessage('Unable to Insert Into Database Table.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to insert the form results " .
'into your database table. Please be sure that you have ' .
'the proper permissions to insert data into the ' .
CC_FB_DB_TABLE . ' table. If you are still experiencing ' .
'trouble, please contact your server administrator.');
* Archives an old `CC_FB_DB_TABLE` table.
* Renames a form results table to CC_FB_DB_TABLE_old or
* CC_FB_DB_TABLE_old with a numerical value on the end of it
* if appropriate.
* @param resource $link a database resource
function archiveOldTable($link)
while(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
"_old$i'", $link)) != 0)
if(!(mysql_query("RENAME TABLE `" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "` TO `" .
CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "_old$i`", $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Rename Database Table.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to rename your database " .
'table. Please be sure that you have the proper ' .
'permissions to rename the ' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . ' table' .
'. If you are still experiencing trouble, please contact your ' .
'server administrator.');
* Escapes a value for MySQL.
* Prepares a value to be used safely in a MySQL query. If the value is
* numeric, it is returned. If the value is a string, it is quoted and
* escaped using the mysql_real_escape_string function.
* @param mixed $value the value to be escaped
* @param resource $link a database resource
* @return mixed $value the escaped value
function mysqlEscape($value, $link)
return ("'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value, $link) . "'");
* Checks if the columns from a table match the the structure
* of the fields from a form.
* @param array $form_fields the structure from the form
* @param array $table_fields the structure from the table
* @return boolean $value, true if the structures are the same,
* false if the structures are not.
function formFieldsEqualsTableFields($form_fields, $table_fields)
// Make sure we have the proper fields for saving uploaded
// files to the database if the user has requested we do so
if(array_key_exists('uploaded_file', $table_fields) &&
array_key_exists('uploaded_file_name', $table_fields))
return false;
if(count($form_fields) != count($table_fields))
return false;
foreach($form_fields as $field_name => $field)
if(!is_array($table_fields[$field_name]) ||
!(($field['type'] == 'textarea' &&
$table_fields[$field_name]['Type'] == 'text') ||
$table_fields[$field_name]['Type'] == 'varchar(255)'))
return false;
return true;
* Create a MySQL table from the form structure.
* Uses the structure of the form, pulled from the XML preferences
* file to create a database table to store the form results.
* @param resource $form_fields the structure of the form
* @param resource $link a database resource
function createTableFromFormFields($form_fields, $link)
mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "`", $link);
$query = 'CREATE TABLE `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . '` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`created_at` DATETIME NOT NULL';
$query .= ",`uploaded_file_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
,`uploaded_file` MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL";
foreach($form_fields as $field_name => $field)
$query .= ",\n `$field_name` " .
($field['type'] == 'textarea' ? 'text' : 'varchar(255)') .
if(!(mysql_query("$query, PRIMARY KEY(`id`))", $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Create Table.', "We're sorry but we were " .
'unable to create a database table for your form results. ' .
'Please be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'create tables. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
* Write form response to a log file.
* Writes the form response to the log file specified at 'CC_FB_SAVE_FILE'
* if appropriate. If the file writing fails, an error message will be
* printed out to the screen.
* @param string $txt_file the response to write to the log file.
function writeResponseToFile($txt_file)
$txt_file = "{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}|" .
date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "|{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}|$txt_file\n";
// If a log file location has been set
if($handle = fopen(CC_FB_SAVE_FILE, 'a'))
if(fwrite($handle, $txt_file) === false)
printMessage('Unable To Write To File',
"We're sorry but we were unable to write to ".CC_FB_SAVE_FILE.
'. Please contact your server administrator to be sure ' .
'that you have the proper permissions.');
printMessage('Unable To Open File',
"We're sorry but we were unable to open " . CC_FB_SAVE_FILE .
'. Please contact your server administrator to be sure ' .
'that you have the proper permissions.');
* Prints the HTML-formatted, form response page for the end-user.
* Writes the form response to an HTML-formatted page for the end-user
* or redirects the user to a thank you page if specified.
* @param string $form_response the response to write to the page.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function printResponsePage($form_response, $preferences)
// Redirect to a thank you page if the user has created one.
die(header('Location: ' . CC_FB_RESULTS_REDIRECT));
// Otherwise create a thank you page.
$results_msg = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Your Page Title</title>
<style type="text/css" media="screen, print, projection">
#thankyouforyourformsubmis {
background: url(redirectmedia/thankyouforyourformsubmis.gif) no-repeat;
visibility: visible;
position: absolute;
left: 139px;
top: 237px;
z-index: 1;
width: 591px;
height: 61px;
#logobutton a:hover {
background-position: -371px 0%;
#logobutton a {
background: url(redirectmedia/logobutton.gif) no-repeat 0% 0px;
display: block;
height: 117px;
width: 371px;
font-size: 117px;
line-height: 117px;
#logobutton {
visibility: visible;
position: absolute;
left: 14px;
top: 99px;
z-index: 1;
width: 371px;
height: 117px;
#redirect {
margin: 0px auto 0px auto;
background: url(redirectmedia/interiortile.gif) repeat center top;
height: 298px;
width: 730px;
position: relative;
html, body {
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="3;url=">
<div id="redirect">
<div id="logobutton"><a href="logo.html" title="logo"></a></div>
<div id="thankyouforyourformsubmis"></div>
die(str_replace('$form_results', $form_response,
* Returns the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
* Opens the CoffeeeCup Flash Form Builder XML preferences file
* and retrieves the preferences and form fields from it. If
* the preferences file is not found or can not be opened, an
* error message is printed to the screen.
* @return array $preferences an array of preferences specified
* in the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder XML preferences file.
function getPreferences()
if(!($contents = file_get_contents($_POST['xmlfile'])))
printMessage('Unable To Open XML File',"We're sorry but we were " .
'unable to locate your XML file. Please be sure that the \'' .
"{$_POST['xmlfile']}' is on your server in the same directory " .
'as your other form builder files.');
// Strips out all the XML nodes from the preferences file.
preg_match_all('/<([a-z]+?)\s+(.*?)>/is', $contents, $nodes);
foreach($nodes[1] as $node_key => $node_value)
// Skip over item, hidden, button and label nodes, as we're not
// interested in them.
if($node_value != 'item' && $node_value != 'hidden' &&
$node_value != 'submitbutton' && $node_value != 'browsebutton' &&
$node_value != 'label' && $node_value != 'resetbutton')
$node_array = array();
// For each node, we will strip out all of the attributes
$nodes[2][$node_key], $attributes);
foreach($attributes[2] as $attribute_key => $attribute_value)
$node_array[$attributes[1][$attribute_key]] =
// If the node has an attribute called 'name', it is a form field.
$name = $node_array['name'] . ($node_array['label'] != '' ?
" - {$node_array['label']}" : '');
$preferences['form_fields'][$name] = $node_array;
$preferences['form_fields'][$name]['type'] = $node_value;
// If the node type is 'form', it is the form preferences
elseif($node_value == 'form')
$preferences['form_preferences'] = $node_array;
// otherwise just dump everything into a general array depending
// on its node type.
$preferences[$node_value][] = $node_array;
return $preferences;
* Uploads a user-submitted file.
* Attempts to upload a user-submitted file specified in
* '$_FILES['Filedata']' to the 'CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY' directory. If the
* file already exists, append a numeric value to the end of
* the file name.
function processFileUpload()
printMessage('File Uploads Disabled',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file because " .
'your do not have file uploads enabled. Please contact' .
'your server administrator.');
// Make sure we have a directory to store the file uploads
printMessage('Directory Creation Failed',
"We're sorry but we were unable to create a directory for " .
'your file uploads. Please contact your server administrator.');
// Make sure the file upload is of an acceptable file type
printMessage('Invalid File Type',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file because " .
'the file type is not acceptable.');
// Seperate the file's basename and extension so that
// we can append numeric values on the end of the basename
// if the file already exists.
$extension = substr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'],
strrpos($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], '.'));
$basename = basename($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], $extension);
// Append number values on the end of the file name
// if the file already exists
while(file_exists(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename" .
CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION . "$i$extension"))
printMessage('File Upload Failed',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file. Please " .
'contact your server administrator.');
chmod(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename$i$extension", 0777);
* Prints a message to the screen.
* Prints an HTML-formatted message to the screen that also contains
* the current PHP version number the server is running, the current
* version number and release date of this script as well as the
* current version number and release date of the version of CoffeeCup
* Flash Form Builder that generated this script.
* NOTE: This function stops execution of the script.
* @param string $title the title of the page
* @param string $message the message to print to the screen
function printMessage($title = null, $message = null)
// If the user has provided a title, format it for HTML
if($title !== null)
$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES);
$page_title = "$title - ";
$title = "<h1>$title</h1>";
// If the user has provided a message, formit it for HTML
if($message !== null)
$message = '<p>' . htmlentities($message, ENT_QUOTES) . '</p>';
die( <<<EOHTML
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>{$page_title}CoffeeCup Form Builder</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
<style type="text/css">
border-top: 1px solid #666;
font-size: .85em;
<div id="script_info">
PHP Version:
Sendmail Path: ' . ini_get('sendmail_path') . '<br />
Sendmail From: ' . ini_get('sendmail_from') . '<br />
SMTP: ' . ini_get('SMTP') . '<br />
SMTP Port: ' . ini_get('smtp_port') . '
MySQL: ' . (extension_loaded('mysql') ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed') . '
File Uploads: ' . (ini_get('file_uploads') ? 'On' : 'Off') . '<br />
File Uploads Max Size: ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '<br />
Post Max Size: ' . ini_get('post_max_size') . '</p>
Software Version: ' . CC_FB_VERSION . '<br />
Software Last Updated: ' . CC_FB_LAST_UPDATED . '
Script Version: ' . CC_FB_SCRIPT_VERSION . '<br />
Script Last Updated: ' . CC_FB_SCRIPT_LAST_UPDATED . '
</p>' .
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